
As the title said, the latest xorg-server version (1.19.1-1) on Arch Linux
will break the 'qubes-vm-gui' dependency completely.

I think there's a need to have these Qubes packages on AUR repository as
well instead of just re-compiling the archlinux template again and again. I
tried both on the old 'my own compile version' of archlinux template and
the one from 'qubes-community-template' repo.

I'm not sure if NoUpgrade or IgnorePkg option on /etc/pacman.conf help much
in this case, instead I need to remove xf86-input-evdev,
xf86-input-libinput, xf86-input-void and xf86-input-joystick first before I
can upgrade other packages as well.

@Marek do you have any idea on this?

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