On Sat, Jan 28, 2017 at 12:31:38PM +0000, Nick Darren wrote:
> /Hi all,/
> On 01/24/2017 06:59 AM, anoa wrote:
> > Hey all,
> >
> > Today I was trying to build the Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial+Desktop template
> > using qubes-builder with help from these instructions:
> >
> > https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-builder
> >
> > Everything was alright until the `make qubes-vm` step where it would
> > fail on the following:
> >
> >> dpkg-source: error: can't build with source format '3.0 (quilt)': no 
> >> upstream tarball found at ../xen_4.6.3.orig.tar.{bz2,gz,lzma,xz}
> >> dpkg-buildpackage: error: dpkg-source -b debian-vm gave error exit status 
> >> 255
> >> /home/user/qubes-builder/qubes-src/builder-debian/Makefile.qubuntu:196: 
> >> recipe for target 'dist-package' failed
> > The build was looking for xen_4.6.3 when in fact xen_4.6.4 is in the
> > folder. As a workaround, simply copying the xen_4.6.4 to be named
> > xen.4.6.3 allowed the build to continue and eventually complete
> > successfully:
> >
> >> cd /path/to/qubes-builder/chroot-xenial/home/user/qubes-src/vmm-xen; sudo 
> >> cp -pr ./xen_4.6.4.orig.tar.gz ./xen_4.6.3.orig.tar.gz
> /It doesn't work by just rename the 'xen_4.6.4.orig.tar.gz' on
> chroot-xenial. On my case (on testing to build xenial-desktop) needs to
> copy the file to /path/to/qubes-builder/qubes-src/vmm-xen/. there. Then,
> it will skip the error message and allowed the build successfully./
> > Hope this helps someone while the script is being updated.
> >
> /I have another weird situation. The build was succeed but the problem
> is, terminal and some others application cannot be launched due to an
> error, normally on ubuntu's standard installation caused by locales
> issue. Tried to fix it the way it used to be on normal ubuntu
> installation or archlinux. But the problem still persists after
> rebooting the template-vm or any appvms that's based on it./
> user@ubuntu-xenial:~$ Error constructing proxy for
> org.gnome.Terminal:/org/gnome/Terminal/Factory0: Error calling
> StartServiceByName for org.gnome.Terminal:
> GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ChildSignaled: Process
> org.gnome.Terminal received signal 5
> /Test on executing gedit from xterm/UXterm/urvtx:/
> user@ubuntu-xenial:~$ gedit
> Gedit failure to execute.
> (gedit:5697): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: No GSettings schemas are installed on
> the system
> Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)
> /The same error happen when I execute the 'xfce4-terminal' or
> 'terminator'. Still the same 'Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)'
> issues here and there./
> --------
> /Locale was set in order to avoid gnome-terminal error, but it' useless
> on this case and still failed to work./
> user@ubuntu-xenial:~$ localectl
>    System Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8
>        VC Keymap: us
>       X11 Layout: us
>        X11 Model: pc105+inet
>      X11 Options: terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp
> --------
> /On checking qubes local packages installed on the 'xenial-desktop' system.

> /
> libqubes-rpc-filecopy2/now 3.2.3+xenialu1 amd64 [installed,local]
>   Qubes file copy protocol library
> libqubesdb/now 3.2.3-1+xenialu1 amd64 [installed,local]
>   QubesDB libs.
> libvchan-xen/now 3.2.0-1+xenialu1 amd64 [installed,local]
>   Qubes Xen core libraries
> libxen-4.6/now 2001:4.6.3-25+xenialu1 amd64 [installed,local]
>   Libraries for Xen tools
> qubes-core-agent/now 3.2.15-1+xenialu1 amd64 [installed,local]
>   Qubes core agent
> qubes-gui-agent/now 3.2.13-1+xenialu1 amd64 [installed,local]
>   Makes X11 windows available to qubes dom0
> qubes-utils/now 3.2.3+xenialu1 amd64 [installed,local]
>   Qubes Linux utilities
> qubesdb/now 3.2.3-1+xenialu1 amd64 [installed,local]
>   QubesDB management tools and daemon.
> qubesdb-vm/now 3.2.3-1+xenialu1 amd64 [installed,local]
>   QubesDB VM service.
> xserver-xorg-input-qubes/now 3.2.13-1+xenialu1 amd64 [installed,local]
>   X input driver for injecting events from qubes-gui-agent
> xserver-xorg-video-dummyqbs/now 3.2.13-1+xenialu1 amd64 [installed,local]
>   Dummy X video driver for qubes-gui-agent
> ----------------------
> /So, I would like to know if there's any errors like above happened to
> you guys too? Or is it me the only person? If it was just me facing the
> issues, then I would like to know if any missing qubes packaged that's
> not listed on my side shown like above? You can just check your qubes
> packages to confirm if any difference spotted on your side by apt search
> qubes or dpkg-query -l | grep qubes.//Any help will be appreciated to
> spot where the culprits are.
> //
> //Thanks./

The error with Xen version affects all Debian builds - it isnt Ubuntu
specific. That's interesting, because it shouldn't happen (obviously).

The error with gnome apps should have been fixed - I submitted a PR for
that some time ago - I'll look at it again today.


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