On Sat, Feb 04, 2017 at 07:02:57PM +0100, john.david.r.smith wrote:
> On 04/02/17 18:42, Loren Rogers wrote:
> >Hi all,
> >
> >I'm confused about running disposable VMs - if I open a browser or file 
> >viewer, then want to open a terminal for the same VM, how could I do this? 
> >(E.g. I want to view an untrusted file, then make some edits.)
> right click the dispvm in the qubes manager.
> select run command.
> enter xterm or whatever you want to run
> or user (in dom0) qvm-run DISPVM_NAME xterm
> >
> >Is there a way to configure the default disposable VM in the Qubes menu? I 
> >see that disposable VMs can be configured for individual domains, but I 
> >can't find where the generic one is.
> >
> >Also, is it possible to specify a different template for disposable 
> >machines? Say I'm running something based on the default fedora-23, and I 
> >want to open a document from my work VM, which uses that template. But I 
> >want to open it with my fedora-23-custom template as a disposable VM. (E.g. 
> >running a video in VLC that has untrustworthy components.) Is this doable?
> currently you can only have one dispvm.
> if you want, you can set the template as default for dispvms 
> (qvm-create-default-dvm)
> -john


You can't configure disposable VMs for individual qubes - what you can
do is change the netVM which will apply if you start a disposableVM from
that qube. The dispVM that will be started is determined by the default
dvm, and this is set by qvm-create-default-dvm.

As John said, you can only have one default dvm, but it's trivial to
work around this with a small script. It's possible to do this because
qvm-create-default-dvm does NOT remove the files for old dvms. You can
see this if you generate a new default-dvm, and then look in
So if you generate a number of different dvms based on different
templates, it's simple to switch between them before launching a new
dispVM. The launch time isn't noticeably different from starting up a
new dispVM, and voila - multiple template disposable VMs on the cheap.

I do this without any apparent ill effects, but it certainly isn't part
of the canon.


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