On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 02:23:20PM +0000, Unman wrote:
> > I'm just puzzled that this doesnt work:
> >  echo gnome-terminal |/usr/lib/qubes/qfile-daemon-dvm qubes.VMShell dom0 
> > DEFAULT red
> This comes up quite often - perhaps it should be in the FAQ.
probably, though best with a satisfying answer :)

> I cant do better than quote my last reply:
> This is because gnome-terminal is a stub that calls
> gnome-terminal-server to open a new window and then exits. Because the
> command you have called exits, the dispVM closes. It's expected
> behaviour.

ah. (some sort of expected behaviour ;)

> There was a solution proposed in issues - #2581 if you are
> interested, but it's ugly (proposer's words) and has significant security
> risks. I wouldn't touch it, but then I tend not to sue gnome-terminal
> anyway.
> And, as Marek pointed out in that thread, this is the reason why the
> default config has xterm.

hm, xfce4-terminal is a somewhat better terminal, IMHO, but what I really 
want is one which I can easily configure to support font-size-resizing
 via keyboard-ctrols (ctrl +- works out of the box in gnome-terminal) and
xfce4-terminal doesn't support that :/

For now my workaround is: (using i3) $mod-Shift-Return gives me an xterm in a
new  disposable VM and then $mod-Return will give me a gnome-terminal in thereā€¦


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