On Tuesday, 7 March 2017 03:56:20 UTC+8, Jean-Philippe Ouellet  wrote:

> https://www.qubes-os.org/news/2016/09/02/4-0-minimum-requirements-3-2-extended-support/
> Note that those are bare minimum requirements, and that you will
> probably want more. If you need to run windows HVMs, I'd say at least
> double those recommendations.
> I'm probably something of a power user, but used to run out of memory
> regularly with 8gb and am about to run out of disk with 500gb.
> I think perhaps we should consider adding a "recommended requirements"
> section instead of just "minimum requirements".

Thank you. I have read that, and I have already settled on getting a 32 GB 
laptop. My question, however, was whether it's expected that the upgrade 
procedure will be difficult to the point where doing a full reinstall is easier.

In particular, I'd like to know if existing QVM's will be compatible with Qubes 
4 (i.e. can I just back them up and load them into Qubes 4?).

Of course, if Qubes 4 isn't going to be out until much later, then the entire 
question is moot anyway since I'll have no choice but to go for Qubes 3.2 
anyway. That is the reason I was asking whether there is a release date for 
Qubes 4 yet.

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