On Wednesday, April 12, 2017 at 10:08:20 PM UTC+3, Hack wrote:
> On 04/12/2017 08:35 PM, daltong defourne wrote:
> > On Wednesday, April 12, 2017 at 8:48:30 PM UTC+3, cooloutac wrote:
> >> On Wednesday, April 12, 2017 at 1:16:36 PM UTC-4, daltong defourne wrote:
> >>> I know this (and similar matters) has been discussed in different places, 
> >>> on and off
> >>>
> >>> For example here:
> >>> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/qubes-users/jtjyq8N6bY0/discussion
> >>> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/qubes-users/gCklOzk9xYg
> >>> https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/2627
> >>>
> >>> However, now I am solidly confused and don't know what to do and how.
> >>>
> >>> What I want
> >>>
> >>> have firefox running in RedAppVM-One start on xfce desktop 1
> >>>
> >>> have firefox running in RedAppVM-Two start on xfce desktop 6
> >>>
> >>> Ideally, I'd also like to make ~all~ software from RedAppVM-One to start 
> >>> on desktop 1 , but even "solving for firefox" would be an okay start for 
> >>> me.
> >>
> >> I think you can do this on KDE,  for xfce you probably have to install a 
> >> 3rd party tool to dom0.
> >
> > Devilspie2 does not seem to play nice with qubes (ref: 
> > https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/2627 ) but if there is a 
> > "low bloodshed" way to make it work with qubes it would be nice.
> >
> > And yes, I'm on xfce...
> >
> Where do you read that Devilspie2 does not play nice with Qubes? I am 
> using both of them, and it works nicely, since months! (And I was the 
> one who started this tread…)
Hi Hack!

I have linked to the qubes-issues thread where it seemingly came up.
The full problem quote is:

"I tried to install devilspie2 for testing purposes on Qubes. Currently, it's 
not work on Qubes.
Devilspie2 function get_window_name() return Windows names without AppVM 
labels. Therefore, it's not possible to sort windows on desktops by AppVM name."

I reckon it is not actually correct and the lua scripts you provided work in 
Qubes 3.2 "as is"?

If so, if I may ask a few questions:
1) do the lua provided "stick" the window to a given desktop (as in, I won't be 
able to send a window to a different virtual desktop even if I try) ?
2) if no, does devilspie2 provide a way to do that ?
3) if yes, is there a way to avoid sticking (as in, always start in desktop 1, 
but can be sent to any other desktop) ?
4) could you please write up a quick primer on using devilspie2 with qubes (any 
caveats, etc?)

Thank you very much

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