On 05/21/2017 01:48 PM, Mike Keehan wrote:
On Sun, 21 May 2017 09:36:35 -0700 (PDT)
yessiouimc-re5jqeeqqe8avxtiumw...@public.gmane.org wrote:
So, I'm using a usb flash drive as my installation source. Whenever I
boot from my usb, I'm greeted with the ususal installation menu with
all the features it normally should have. Whenever I try to install
qubes on my system, the graphical menu tries to load and I can see
the Qubes logo on the light blue background for a split second,
before it disappears and I continue on the text install menu. No
matter what I do, I end up with this error :

"Encryption requested for LUKS device sda2 but no encryption key
specified for this device."

Before the installer stops and I have to restart my pc. After reading
up a little bit on the subject, it seems like the text installer
simply doesnt allow you to input the encryption key you want to use,
so it inevitably fails. It seems like this might be due to
incompatibility with my GTX 960M card, where my system attempts to
use it but fails because Qubes is incompatible with it. What should I
do? Something I do know is I could force my system to use intel
graphics, but my BIOS doesn't let me do that anywhere, and I'm scared
of flashing another BIOS, screwing things up and bricking my
expensive device.

So anyway, thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to reply,
and regardless I hope you have a nice day.

I had to use EFI to boot the usb stick on my machine - the legacy
bios boot always ended up in the text installer.

Although your hardware is not the same as mine[1], they might be close enough that these comments are helpful.

Like Keehan, I also found that the BIOS compatibility boot did not work on my hardware.

The problem is a X startup failure, specifically, "no such file or directory" for /dev/dri/card0. My VGA controller is an Intel 5916. No kernel module was loaded for it, thus the error. And so the installer dropped into text mode.

I, like you, found that the text installer does not work, for the reason you have already found (unable to specify an encryption key). I did not pursue that any further.

My hardware presents two UEFI menu items for the installation USB drive, one with "Partition 1" and one without.

First, I tried the one without "Partition 1". The system went into a "menu loop", i.e. the menu of "Test media...", "Install Qubes 3.2", "Troubleshoot...", "Rescue..." would just reappear after selecting "Install Qubes 3.2". I could not get past it.

So then I UEFI booted using the "Partition1" menu option of the USB install drive. Success.

But the touchpad was not working (e.g. no mouse). I had to plug in a USB mouse.

And.. the resolution on the laptop display was only 800x600 (native is 1920x1080).

Also, the wifi networking did not "just work". Specifically, I had to manually launch the network manager nm-applet, and create a wiki connection definition. Not a big deal once I realized that's all it was, but it was a little unexpected.

The touchpad and screen resolution problems were not resolved until I upgraded to the latest (at the time) unstable kernel. From my earlier post:

The short version: The display issues were caused by using a kernel
that is "too old" (for this hardware).

This hardware requires kernel 4.8.12 (to be more precise, all I can
say at the moment is that the minimum kernel version for this hardware
is > 4.4.55 and <= 4.8.12).

Kernel 4.8.12 is only available from the unstable repository, so I
to get Qubes installed in a "degraded" way before I could issue the
magic command:

qubes-dom0-update --enablerepo=qubes-dom0-unstable kernel

One thing for you to watch out for is the nVidia and (if you have it, which I think you do) the nVidia Optimus stuff. That might potentially create some fun for you.

[1] https://groups.google.com/forum/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer#!msg/qubes-users/BUe4tFfERtA/buazJHIzCQAJ

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