On Sat, Sep 16, 2017 at 06:43:00PM +0000, 0xB44EFD8751077F97 wrote:
> Using Qubes3.2, I'm attempting to create a communication
> channel between two VMs. One VM without networking. I'd like to mimic
> ssh -L port:localhost:port.
> I think a qrexec rpc should work, but I'm not sure what to include in
> the rpc-action file. Any help is appreciated.
> Thanks!

Have a look at this using socat:

Although it's still marked as open, it works well and is used in Qubes

socat TCP-LISTEN:444,fork EXEC:"qrexec-client-vm target-vm my-tcp-service"
does just what you want.

If you had my-tcp-service on target-vm: 
socat STDIO TCP:localhost:22

You could 'ssh localhost:4444' and ssh in to target, even when target is not 
A little simple scripting and you can have this as a general listener to
connect to different services on targets.


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