On Tuesday, 24 October 2017 10:11:23 UTC-4, tine....@gmail.com  wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to know if there are any plans for better Windows (10) support 
> in the upcoming 4.X version?
> I really appreciate your work, but currently this is preventing me to use 
> Qubes as the daily driver.
> Best regards, Tine

In my point of view bring you own laptop inside secure lan is the worst thing 
as CTO i will want .  
1. email - browser
2. rdp - remmina 
3. libre office doing the job . 

you will create appvm that will be completely isolate from the internet with 
all the apps i mentioned with specific sys-net and firewall for the office only 

Moving from windows at start seems to be very hard . after you will do your 
first step you will never want to go back .....:) 


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