Don't know what this means, but I downloaded the new 4.0 RC2, put it on a flash 
drive, and tried to install it on my new Dell laptop.  It froze early on, with 
the messages:

Firmware Bug:  TSC_DEADLINE disabled due to errate.  Please update microcode to 
version 0xb2 (or later)

2.035271  Could not get size 0x800<bunch of zeros>0e

Anyway, just a data point.  

I tried the "troubleshooting" option.  It froze again, but I didn't write down 
the step.  I believe it was after discovering/creating /dev/sdd

Good luck!  I'll try again once the final version comes out.  I'll monitor this 
if someone has an idea of how to get beyond this, but it's just an early hang 
for me.


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