I've been reading about Qubes OS for the past few days, and I came across the 
blog post below, detailing the switch from paravirtualization to 
hardware-enforced memory virtualization in Qubes 4. As I understand, the switch 
is intended to improve security (and avoids the overhead added by conventional 
hardware-assisted virtualization by using SLAT).


However, I noticed a few people voicing privacy concerns regarding the switch 
from paravirtualization to hardware-enforced memory virtualization. 

Here's one such comment, taken from an r/privacy Reddit thread. 

"Qubes v.4 does concern me though. I am NOT an expert here so I dont want to 
spread bad info but: Qubes 4 plans to ditch paravirtualization in favor of 
hardware-enforced memory virtualization (which I will call HEMV though I dont 
think it has an official acronym). This is good from a security standpoint- 
paravirtualization is vulnerable to code exploits (2 have happened to Xen, 
though never in the wild, KVM/Virtualbox/VMware have all had exploits), while 
HEMV is not. However, HEMV makes the profiling of hardware easier to 
accomplish. Given the recent spat of articles that talk about hardware 
profiling being used as a means to profile and track users, you can understand 
the basis for my concern- paravirtualization makes hardware profiling 
impossible unless an exploit is found to defeat it."

Does this hold any water? Does the switch from paravirtualization to HVM/SLAT 
degrade privacy by allowing easier hardware fingerprinting?

Sorry if this question has been asked and answered before; I searched around 
for a while, and found none. Also, feel free to correct me on anything I got 
wrong. Thanks! :)

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