W dniu czwartek, 7 grudnia 2017 07:33:37 UTC+1 użytkownik Nik H napisał:
> This may be a silly question but I've been unable to figure it out: I quite 
> often want to paste something from a browser into a Terminal in a different 
> vm.
> Global, secure copy / paste is Ctrl-Shift-c / Ctrl-Shift-v
> In a Terminal window, these shortcuts are mapped to normal copy paste, rather 
> than inter-vm copy pasting so it doesn't work out of the box.
> I then changed the global copy paste shortcut to use the windows key. It's 
> explained elsewhere but it means changing guid.conf and adding Mod4-c and 
> Mod4-v for secure copy paste.
> This works great (well - after restart)! I tested it in various apps, it does 
> what it should.
> However, it still doesn't work on the Terminal application. For whatever 
> reason, Windows-C just types a C and the same for V. Global keyboard 
> shortcuts seem to be ignored while Terminal is active.
> Anybody have an idea how to solve this? Thanks!

Right click into the Terminal window and select Paste. Regular paste via 
keyboard shortcut doesn't work in terminal windows for some reason

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