On 12/17/2017 08:33 AM, Chris Laprise wrote:
> On 12/17/2017 09:45 AM, Michael Siepmann wrote:
>> Recently the "LINK IS UP" notification has been staying visible until I
>> manually close it.  At first it wasn't doing that. Are you seeing that
>> too? Could a recent update have caused this?
> Yes, I'm seeing it again on fedora-26 but not debian-9. This has been
> an off-and-on issue with notify-send over the years.
I tried changing the template for my sys-vpn to debian-9 but the VPN
service didn't work. However, when I switched it back to fedora-25 (I'm
not using 26 yet) the persistent notification issue was fixed! (When the
issue was happening, btw, it was only with the "up" notifications, not
the "down" ones.)

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