Nothing urgent, just stumped — if you've got free time to poke at a command, thank you in advance!

I've trawled around the web, and the most sane/simple way of wiping is wielding dd & overwriting a drive with zeroes/urandom/random/etc.

Another, is encrypted random data. That sounds more fun, though perhaps useless.

I'm attempting to wield a command from the archlinux wiki and getting access denied, even with sudo in front, and even when on dom0 (against my better judgment). Any thoughts?


Command below:

openssl enc -aes-256-ctr -pass pass:"$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=128 count=1 2>/dev/null | base64)" -nosalt </dev/zero \
    | pv -bartpes <DISK_SIZE> | dd bs=64K of=/dev/sd"X"

In this case, sd"X" is referencing a specific drive. If you run the command, you'll want to ensure that's a drive with nothing of use on it.

p.s., I'm open to alternative suggestions. If you think a single pass with /dev/zero is sufficient, I'm all ears or eyes, in this context. I've never attempted to recover a drive under any circumstances, so I'm no expert. Happy to accept the lazy way out ;)

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