> I remember some issues with reattaching in the past, but recently, the 
> qvm-shutdown --wait --force sys-net && qvm-start sys-net seems to be working. 
This sounded even more interesting than the script. But: It does not
work in my Q4rc4 install. last experience of this type was with
sys-whonix and anon-whonix. The latter running, the former did not power
off (even with --force); after some wait I kill it, but it won't reboot:
on boot it spills out "network device with MAC ... already exists"
before dying. I had to power off anon-whonix, then restart sys-whonix.

Same thing happen with the sys-net - sys-firewall - sys-whonix -
anon-whonix chain. I need to power off all of them to get sys-net to
rebbot, which is, frankly, annoying. So finally a script is a good idea,
even if Ilpo's did not work out of the box in my install (may be a Q3.2
- Q4 issue).

Best, Bernhard

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