
I'm trying to setup my raspberry pi from qubes as I want to reinstall/write
a coreboot howto and I am using a raspberry pi + pomodo clip to flash the
bios chip.
Honestly I must admit that I have setup my raspberry under windows in the

- Download ISO
- copy ISO to the SD-card

I would like to so under Qubes OS, but I am confused as my internal
SD-Card-Reader in my laptop is not be recognized by my USB qubes.
If in insert the SD-Card I can see all partitions as blockdevices.

what is the best approach to access the SD-Card reader from an appvm and
finish the provisioning of coreboot?

I would like to dd the .iso to the SD-card as it is described in the
raspberryan howto:

dd bs=4M if=raspbian-stretch.img of=/dev/sdX conv=fsync


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