On Thu, March 8, 2018 11:19 am, Mike Banon wrote:
> Hi awokd,
>> I looked around the wiki; should I make a G505s Project page?
> I created a new page and will be working on it soon:
> http://dangerousprototypes.com/docs/Lenovo_G505S_hacking . You could
> edit it too, just create a new account at the DangerousPrototypes forums
> and you can use the same account to create/edit the wiki pages

Thank you, I definitely will; just wasn't sure where best to place it!

>> The main sticking point for me with Coreboot commits was their real
>> name policy.

I'm OK on this aspect now- have a workaround.

> Its' possible to use kdiff3 and meld to easily compare the sources in
> GUI mode (useful when you're doing many changes), okteta as GUI hex
> editor, and many other great tools you maybe haven't heard about ;) The
> official GUI IDE for coreboot does not exist, but you could be using your
> own " GUI IDE " which would be just a combination of all those great
> utilities

Thanks, will check those out. Even something that lets me hover over some
constant and it pops up the value from the .h or lets me select an
expression like CONSTANT >> 4 and it shows me what that evaluates to would
save me so much time!

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