Perhaps we should form a list in this thread to get started of who is who on 
github, for those interested in this project. It'd probably be fine to start 
working together too without further confirmation from the Qubes staff. What we 
do need confirmation about is how this will officially relate to Qubes OS on 
the contents that is finished in the Qubes Community doc page though though. 
Hopefully Andrew can shine some light on that. But before that, I'm sure it'd 
be fine to start organizing and work together, as long as we don't publish 
anything officially.

Thoughts about collecting an initial unofficial github list, get an overview, 
and start looking at the projects out there, to get started? 

Tbh we're at a stage where we have to hunt down and copy/paste everyones github 
page to a private list at this point in order to keep track. It'd be better if 
everyone wanting to do this can write their github page, i.e. in this thread 
with words that they're into this idea, in a sense signing up for this 
community co-awareness with a github link posted here, so that those not 
interested don't automatically get included.

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