On Thursday, 19 April 2018 02:17:54 UTC+10, [ 799 ]  wrote:
> Drew White <drew....@gmail.com> schrieb am Mi., 18. Apr. 2018, 02:10:
> On Tuesday, 17 April 2018 22:22:35 UTC+10, awokd  wrote:
> (...)
> > fedora-minimal is pretty minimal!
> it is minimal in what it thinks is minimal, but it is still not nice and 
> small, or what I asked about "super small"
> You could take a look what is installed on a Qubes fedora-minimal template 
> using dnf list installed and then remove everything you don't want.
> Further reading:
> https://docs-old.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora/25/html/System_Administrators_Guide/sec-Listing_Packages.html
> Or - in case you have already a running version of your preferred 
> super-minimal (I think the name "fedora-nano" or "fedora-core" would be 
> great) - you check which packages are installed there and compare it to the 
> fedora-minimal template, then you know which packages you need to look at.
> Make sure not to remove important qubes packages.

Pretty much, remove anything and it removes the Qubes stuff.

> Out of interest:
> What do you thing is the benefit of running a minimal fedora minimal?
> Is it because of storage/performance capacity or because you think that this 
> will ensure additional security? 

I don't want an insecure system that crashes every 5 seconds, so I want one hat 
has no SystemD. Until then, smaller template.

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