On Tue, May 1, 2018 7:52 am, NaBaCo wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a simple command in /rw/config/rc.local the sets the keyboard
> layout and shortcuts. I have made the script executable, and after
> searching the internet found there's a timing problem (the system runs the
> script too early), so I've added "sleep 5" to the beginning of the script.
>  The script worked well in Q3.2, and runs well even now in Q4.0 when run
> manually from command line, yet when I start the VMs, there's no effect.
> This affects both debian-9 and fedora-26 AppVMs.
> Increasing the "sleep" time didn't help.

Tested this in a 4.0 debian-9 AppVM by adding to rc.local "date >
/home/user/1", chmod 755 it, and it worked first try. Might want to add
something similar to yours to make sure it's firing, then troubleshoot
accordingly. Also check out

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