Both /etc/qubes-rpc/policy/qubes.InputKeyboard and InputMouse, should say 
something like this.

sys-usb  dom0 allow,user=root

Yes, If you have a sys-usb set up, then the USB keyboard will attach there 
first.  More specifically, the USB Host Controller that the USB keyboard is 
plugged into is attached to sys-usb.  But the keyboard device is immediately 
sent to dom0 per the rpc policy.  Because a keyboard that stays attached to 
sys-usb, can only type into sys-usb.  And not the interactive window you see 
when you open up a terminal for sys-usb... but rather its own session.
dom0 needs the keyboard and mouse.  The USB Host Controller still resides in 
sys-usb, but the USB raw data passes to dom0 upon boot.

Unfortunately, the rpc policy is generic based on all USB devices enumerating 
as a keyboard.  So it may not be able to selectively attach a yubikey to an 

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