On Thursday, August 16, 2018 at 11:34:48 PM UTC-4, John S.Recdep wrote:
> On 08/16/2018 04:25 AM, Patrick Bouldin wrote:
> > Hello, I got some great advice about having two hard drives since I want 
> > Windows on one drive and qubes on another. So I now have a good I7 laptop 
> > with two - 1/2 TB SSDs. I had in mind to load it this way, is the following 
> > correct?
> > 
> > I'm starting with both SSDs empty, no OS on either.
> > 
> > 1 Physically install both drives
> > 
> > 2 Install Windows on disk 1 after booting to flash drive with windows ISO
> > 
> > 3 Unplug windows based SSD drive just to be sure I'm on the right drive next
> > 
> > 4 Boot to bios, modify bios to change 2nd SSD (to be Qubes) FROM Windows 
> > UEFI to other OS (correct?)
> > 
> > 5 Boot to a flash drive loaded with the Qubes 4.0 install ISO 
> > 
> > This is the part I'm really not clear about, remember I'm working with two 
> > drives, booting to either the drive to windows or the drive to qubes. So, 
> > am I following the advice here?: https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/multiboot/
> >   - select custom layout, assign existing /boot partition as /boot, 
> > deselect the 
> > 'Format' option, continue with installation.   
> > 
> > Or, do I let Qubes install in automatic configuration and then manually 
> > modify the grub file?
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Patrick
> > 
> Sounds like what I did/do   with windows 10 ; since it doesn't involve
> Grub ,  probably won't be a problem ......
> In my case however,  the uefi, I believe doesn't label the drive with
> the  drive name, but changes it to  "windows" or "qubes" , which
> concerns me , as I think it incorrect, I think that may be how uefi
> works  ymmv,  why not try it
> what is a "windows uefi" ?
> looks to me like
> https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/multiboot
> doesn't apply to you, its for single disk dual booting

Hi John and thanks. I agree but I think after I install qubes then I will need 
to delay the grub screen in order to be able to choose either Win 10 or Qubes. 
And I think I have to somehow tell qubes to look for the windows drive and then 
allow to choose it...  Anyway you're right, I think once I have them both 
loaded I hope to figure it out.


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