On 08/23/2018 01:35 PM, brendan.h...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Thursday, August 23, 2018 at 10:30:17 AM UTC-4, Jonathan Seefelder wrote:
>> If you keep wear-leveling in mind, and encrypt the ssd before you fill
>> it with sensitive data, id suggest an ssd. Ideally, you should encrypt
>> /boot also.
> I've posted recommendations on how to add hardware drive encryption on top of 
> Qubes' software encryption on this list before, so I won't repost that.
> In summary, 
> Use an SSD that supports T13 ATA SANITIZE and TCG OPAL, and also remember to 
> enable trim in dom0 ( https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/disk-trim/ ). Enable HW 
> encryption (but also enable QUBES' software encryption).
> Bonus: using SSDs with the above features, when you are done with the system 
> you can instantly (< 2s) erase all user data on the SSD by issuing either an 
> (the latter requires the code printed on the drive label).

Anything TCG is bad news - it was spawned by microsofts project
palladium "trusted computing" concept and it is not owner controlled.

Do you trust proprietary closed source firmware to protect you? I don't
- those kinds of things have many holes.

There is no reason to use an SED drive.

In terms of encrypting boot that is generally impossible without the use
of coreboot so I suggest to obtain an owner controlled pre-PSP laptop
G505S with owner controlled firmware enforced grub kernel code signing
(you sign your own kernels, initramfs etc) its like MS's "secure" boot
but it is actually secure because it is yours not theirs.

The G505S has open cpu/ram init and people are apparently working on
freeing the video/EC blobs but in the mean time IOMMU protects you.

There is a nice little Qubes 4 G505S community.

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