> Hello,
> I am considering the feasibility of using Qubes as the OS for a home server.  
> I am aware it is primarily a desktop OS at this time (although I hope with 
> Qubes Air on the horizon that may change to accommodate the server space 
> better), and can live with configuring the system locally via a GUI; but I 
> would like to run at least two or three VMs which each offer a service (a web 
> server, a media streaming service, etc) to external connections.
> I previously did something like this with VirtualBox on Linux, and was able 
> to assign a couple of VMs with their own IPs and SSH instances, etc.
> Is this something I can realistically achieve with Qubes?
> Thanks in advance for any advice.
Yes, it is.
Qubes isn't designed with this in mind, but it can easily be used in
this way.
You'll need an understanding of Qubes networking and be able to push
traffic from sys-net down to the target qubes. This is quite well

If you hit any problems just post here.


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