On Sat, Oct 20, 2018 at 07:07:25AM +0300, Ivan Mitev wrote:
> On 10/19/18 10:05 PM, Stumpy wrote:
> > I realize this is marginally relevant but thought that I am likely not
> > the only/first one to think about this so Id reach out to see if anyone
> > else has solved it.
> > 
> > I LOVE the disp feature and use it fairly often for random browsing,
> > but, I miss a few addons. I managed to add them to my template (which I
> > am think might be bad op/sec juju) but even then, when a new addon comes
> > out the browser updates so I have to update the addon manually in the
> > template which is a PITA that is quickly becoming not worth it.
> Yeah, that's the downside of dispVMs.
> My workflow for updating my profile is:
> 1- every now and then I start a dedicated appVM where my "master" firefox
> profile/folder lives, in order to update addons, tweak prefs, ...
> 2- I then copy the folder to the dispVM's *dvm* template (not the dvm
> template's template). I assume you're on R4.0 - IIRC for R3.2 you'd have to
> update the template itself.
> It seems to be pretty much what you did though. It doesn't take too much
> time but then I update my profile every month or so - maybe your addons
> require more frequent updates.
> You could try to automatize the process with a script in dom0 that would
> start the VMs, `qvm-run` commands, copy files, ...
> Another way would be to skip updating the dvm template (step 2 above) and
> instead copy the updated profile to one of your VMs that is always started
> (or to dom0, provided you don't open/read any of these files). You could
> then write a qubes extension [1] that automatically sync the dispVM profile
> with the "master" one when a dispVM starts.
> [1] https://groups.google.com/d/msg/qubes-users/JtLBUB-YfM0/y2izgbZDBAAJ

What's the advantage of doing this, as opposed to using the appVM in 1
itself as template for the disposableVMs? 

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