Joanna Rutkowska:
> Hello Qubes devs and users!
> It's been nearly 9 years[*] since I sent the first internal email
> within ITL to Rafał Wojtczuk and Alex Tereshkin with the original idea
> for making Qubes OS. Shortly after this, we started drafting the
> original architecture and writing some early PoC code...
> Today, I've made an announcement I'm switching focus to another area
> of work and joining the Golem Project as a Chief {Strategy, Security}
> Officer:
> I'd like to thank all the people who made Qubes OS possible, which
> includes: the whole ITL team, all the community contributors, and, of
> course, all the Qubes OS users!
> Qubes OS will continue under the lead of Marek Marczykowski-Górecki,
> who have been a de-facto lead for all the day-to-day development for
> quite some time already!
> Thanks, Marek! Thank you, all!
> Cheers,
> joanna.
> [*] FWIW, the exact date was November 11th, 2009.
Thank you for all your contributions. Your standards for security and
best practices have been an inspiration to me.

I wish you the best of luck and success in the future.

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