In R4, when fetching updates for Dom0 with "sudo qubes-dom0-update --clean --verbose" I get this error message repeated 6 times:

"Unknown configuration value: failovermethod=priority in /var/lib/qubes/dom0-updates/etc/yum.repos.d/fedora.repo; Configuration: OptionBinding with id "failovermethod" does not exist"

I then get the following:

"Dependencies resolved.
Excludes in dnf.conf: qubes-template-debian-9, qubes-template-fedora-26, qubes-template-fedora-29
Package Arch Version Repository Size
python3-blivet noarch 2:2.1.6-5.fc25 qubes-dom0-current 1.0 M python3-kickstart noarch 1000:2.32-4.fc25 qubes-dom0-current 370 k

Transaction Summary

Total size: 1.3 M
Installed size: 1.3 M
DNF will only download packages for the transaction.
Downloading Packages:
[SKIPPED] python3-blivet-2.1.6-5.fc25.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
[SKIPPED] python3-kickstart-2.32-4.fc25.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
The downloaded packages were saved in cache until the next successful transaction.
You can remove cached packages by executing 'dnf clean packages'."

It seems there are two python packages available, but for some reason they are downloaded but not installed or re-installed.

1. Is the error message regarding "failovermethod" relevant / something to worry about? 2. Is anyone else experiencing the issue with these two python packages (python3-blivet and python3-kickstart)?


P.S: Qubes team - fantastic work with the OS, thanks for your awesome contribution to secure computing!


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