A clean install...you'll never feel more secure:)

A couple of best practices I would suggest include:

1) Clone your templates(maybe multiple cloned templates) and never install or 
use your original templates (This will help keep them secure and if you screw 
up on a clone you can always delete it and start a new clone from the original 

2) Think about how you want to divide your different digital 
lifestyle/compartments e.g. email, banking, personal, work, passwords, etc...

3) What software do you need to install(if any)? Depending on your needs and 
uses e.g. LibreOffice, plugins, other Linux software? Install those on your 
cloned templates

1) Keep your templates updated (and Dom0 updated)...this should be done right 
after an install
2) Backup your data and system weekly/daily (depending on your need)

Other security setups:
Set up a VPN
Explore minimal templates
Review BIOs
Look at your firewall and restrict IPs based on the Appvms use
Customize your DVM (disposable VMs)

Welcome and good luck! I never used Linux and I fumble thru fine after a little 
practice. Don't be scared to post a question after searching if you get stuck.

Keep your plugins, if any updated 

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