
since the first days using Qubes I made notes how I setup my templates and
AppVMs to able to rebuild my system from scratch if parts of it get
compromised or if I migrate the system to other hardware.

I have been able to rebuild all my Sys-VMs (sys-net / sys-firewall /
sys-usb) from a fedora-26-minimal and fedora-28-minimal template but I am
struggling to do the same from a fedora-29-minimal template:
I am unable to get a working sys-usb AppVM.

Steps to reproduce:

#base template
#name of the new custom build template
#clone template
qvm-clone $template $systemplate
# update template
qvm-run --auto --user root --pass-io --no-gui $systemplate 'dnf update -y'
# install a missing package for fedora-29-minimal without it, gui-apps will
not start
qvm-run --auto --user root --pass-io --no-gui $systemplate 'dnf install -y
# Install required packages for Sys-VMs
qvm-run --auto --user root --pass-io --no-gui $systemplate \
    'dnf -y install qubes-core-agent-qrexec qubes-core-agent-systemd \
     qubes-core-agent-networking polkit qubes-core-agent-network-manager \
     notification-daemon qubes-core-agent-dom0-updates qubes-usb-proxy \
     iwl6000g2a-firmware qubes-input-proxy-sender iproute iputils \
     NetworkManager-openvpn NetworkManager-openvpn-gnome \
     NetworkManager-wwan NetworkManager-wifi network-manager-applet'

I use this new template as base for my sys-net and sys-firewall AppVms
everything works, but sys-usb will not work as USB devices can't be
mounted, even within the sys-usb VM.

Any idea what I am missing, to get a sys-usb AppVM which is based on a
custom build fedora-29-minimal based template?

If I use the default (fat) fedora-29 AppVM from the Qubes Repository as
Template for sys-usb, it is working fine.
So it is possible to use fedora-29 for sys-usb, but it seems that I am
missing some part to get it work when building a template from the ground
up Uusing fedora-29-minimal as base template)

- O

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