wrote on 3/24/19 8:48 PM:
I am sure this is a silly issue, but I've been searching in the archives and 
can't see the answer.

I have a laptop with 1 SSD and 1 SATA drive.  I installed Qubes on the SSD, and 
have a couple of data partitions on the SATA drive.  I want to make one of 
those partitions available to my work vm or its template.

I was able to mount it on dom0 by putting it in the fstab.  The /etc/fstab line 

UUID=<number> /big ext4 defaults,discard,xsystemd.device-timeout=0 1 1

in dom0, it shows up as /dev/sda3. The df -h command, gives:

Filesystem    Size    Used  Avail   Use%  Mounted on
/dev/sda3     903G     154G   703G   18%    /big

I can't figure out how to make this disk available to my template or user vms.

Most flexible way to use the secondary drive would be to backup the data somewhere else, then If you want to assign sda3 to a VM, you'd have to unmount it from dom0 first, then use qvm-block to attach it to a single VM at a time.

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