My understanding is:

The -gw and -ws templates, -dvm, appvm, etc and functionality will 

The Qubes-os.org onion site is going away...right?

I have been keeping pretty good track of my changes from default install(dom0 and 
templates) over the past few year when I originally installed 4.0, but "...have been 
relying on (e.g., for package repos..." might have been something I did a while ago. 
How would one check this?

Yes the qubes onion hosting (website and repo) is gone, but the announcement from Andrew said that unman is working on hosting it again (thank you unman!)

Until that's back up the only thing that needs to be changed is your update source, if you changed it to the qubes onion repo before (the whonix onion repo is still working).

To check, in debian/whonix templates, look in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/qubes-r?.list (? is 4 or 3 depending on qubes version). If you have a .onion address in there it needs to be changed back to the clearnet address until the onion repo is back up.

In dom0 (and i think in fedora templates too) the relevant files are in /etc/yum.repos.d/


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