wrote on 4/28/19 10:14 PM:
Could anyone also be so kind to offer me an invite for as well?
As for the privacy part of it and if this is still a Qubes discussion group. I 
was wondering if any of you have already been using it as your main OS and 
together with which combinations?

I've heard asking for invites from strangers can get both you and them banned from riseup if they give you one, but don't have an account myself. The rest of your email is Qubes related. You might get more response to it if you put it in a new thread with an appropriate subject line. I usually delete these without reading!

As qubes principle is on making compartments of everything I wonder how you 
guys have been using it in regards of browsers, search engine, mail clients, 
cloud storage, etc.
I have been thinking about that and I had an ideia to separate every part of my 
life in 4 boxes (social, online shopping, professional and personal) and use 
different email, cloud storage, browser and search engine for each one.
For example :
Box 1: tutanota mail, pcloud storage, Firefox and ddg
Box 2 protonmail, mega storage, pale moon and searx
Box 3 disroot, woelkli storage, brave and swisscows
Box 4 riseup, tresorit storage, tor and qwant

Do you guys think that would work well with qubes?

Compartmentalizing is good. You could accomplish your design with Qubes, but it's a little overly complex since Qubes by default isolates every AppVM from every other AppVM. See and for some examples.

Also, another problem I find with this OS is that until now it seems that is 
kinda of a luck game for the OS to work on each laptop since they still don't 
have any official suggestion for a machine in which the OS would surely work. I 
don't even known which machine I should buy for that to work. In contrast, even 
though it is simple, but the Tails OS is easy and I know it runs anywhere. For 
that reason I have been using tails, until I can figure out a machine that will 
work with qubes.

Unfortunately, no vendor has been able to meet the process under 4.0.

Also, just wondering, what do you guys do with your smart phones?? It seems 
that sometimes we worry so much about our PC's, but then our smartphones keep 
recording all of our lives.

I can neither confirm nor deny possession of such a device.

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