I've been trying to figure this out for days but to no avail, I couldn't really 
make it work. I do my checking by visiting https://youtube.com/html5

Did all sorts of searching and stuff. Some suggested installing vlc but 
apparently it doesn't seem to exist on the repositories of qubes fedora

The seemingly best possible solution I found was from 

Where I did a
sudo dnf groupupdate multimedia

Much to my dismay, it still didn't solve this problem. D:

So I'm here in hopes that someone out there may have been able to make this 
work on an appVM based on fedora-29 qubes template. Sincerely hoping there is 
someone OTL

You could probably say that the easiest way to solve my problems would be to 
install/use google-chrome or any chromium-based web browsers instead but that 
doesn't sit well with me because I don't really like the idea of going with the 
flow and becoming entirely dependent on google/google-chrome/chromium.

Which is why I'm dead set on finding a solution to this.

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