May 27, 2019, 7:46 PM by awokd:

> Connor Schunk wrote on 5/26/19 11:30 PM:
>> After installing Qubes, I attempted to install Windows as a dualboot option.
>> Unfortunately, I didn't check to make sure windows wouldn't wipe my boot 
>> partitions, so now I have nothing under /boot other than the Linux .imgs in 
>> the LVM partition.
>> Is there a way to recover the old install? I installed Qubes onto a 
>> different partition to get the /boot files back, what lines do I need to 
>> change to point to the correct encrypted LVM partition?
> Probably safest bet is to boot Qubes Rescue mode from USB (or some other live 
> image), then mount your encrypted partition and copy out data you want to 
> keep.
Would it be possible to extract the qubes from the partition you think? Or at 
least some configs?

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