"Yes. Didn't I say that in my first reply?"

No, you said GRUB rather than GRUB2 in your first reply.

Anyway I think I will just leave CSM enabled for installation because many 
sources seem to be hinting toward GRUB being needed for AEM (emphasis on 
and any article or web page on GRUB2 that I've seen doesn't even mention AEM, 
plus it will make installation a little bit easier for me personally. There is 
also the fact GRUB is easier to configure than GRUB2 as far as I know.

I have added 2 Rich Text File attachments to this reply. One is my original 
plan with CSM disabled for installation, the other is with CSM enabled and is 
much simpler.

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Attachment: Simpler_Plan_Draft.rtf
Description: RTF file

Attachment: Original_Plan_Draft.rtf
Description: RTF file

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