Phew! From the header ( "avalibel" ) I thought someone was being accused of
defamation. BTW, a very easy way to have a VPN is to download the opera
installer to your AppVMs, keep it there, and then just (re)install it on
boot. A big advantage of this - I think - is that yo don't have to wipe
your history and cookies as you have a freshly installed browser each
boot-up. This is kind of cool because they keep coming up with persistent
cookies and various junk they download onto our browsers. A "disposable"
browser such as this creates should create another ring of security.
Correct me if I'm wrong...
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---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: 799 <>
Date: Sat, Aug 17, 2019 at 6:35 PM
Subject: Re: [qubes-users] The VPN avalibel in Qubes
To: Chris Laprise <>
Cc: qubes-users <>

Hello Chris,

On Sat, 17 Aug 2019 at 04:35, 799 <> wrote:

> Chris Laprise <> schrieb am Di., 13. Aug. 2019, 23:10:
>> (...)
>> The easiest & most comprehensive/secure VPN config for Qubes is here:
>> [...]
I thought about a way to simplify the installation of your VPN-Script & the
deployment of a VPN-Proxy VPN even further.
My Qubes-Installation & configuration is all done by scripts which I start
from dom0, this allowas to rebuild my complete Qubes system without much

I have written a scripted install, which is building a VPN-ProxyVM based on
my own sys-template for sys-net / sys-usb / sys-firewall (which is itself
based on a  fedora-29-minimal template).

All steps to build the vpn-proxy VPN including configuration for is done through the script. Only step has to be
done manually:

Adding vpn-handler-openvpn to the Qubes Setting / Services Tab.

I know that this can also be done via dom0 CLI, but I am missing the right
Can someone help?


PS: This is the script, which will build the VPN-ProxyVM.
(Hint: I like to keep my templates small and therefor packages which I only
need during setup will be installed in the AppVM (and be lost on reboot).
In this case git/unzip/wget are only used to setup everything - they're not
needed for running the ProxyVPN):

---- start ----

qvm-create --template=$Template --label=blue $AppVM

qvm-prefs --set $AppVM provides_network True

qvm-run --auto --pass-io --no-gui --user root $AppVM \
  'dnf install -y git wget unzip && \
  mkdir -p /rw/config/vpn && \
  cd /root && \
  git clone && \
  cd Qubes-vpn-support && \
  bash ./install'

qvm-run --auto --pass-io --no-gui --user root $AppVM \
  'cd /rw/config/vpn && \
  wget && \
  unzip && \
  # Link to your favorite VPN-Entry Point here I'm using Switzerland && \
  ln -s Switzerland.ovpn vpn-client.conf'

qvm-shutdown --wait $AppVM

# MANUAL step (at the moment):
# Add "vpn-handler-openvpn" to the Settings > Services Tab

qvm-start $AppVM
---- end ----

As mentioned above the AppVM is based on my own sys-template named
If you want to rebuild, this is how you build this template from dom0.
It can be used for sys-net / sys-firewall / sys-usb):

---- start ----

#remove old template
qvm-kill $systemplate
qvm-remove -f $systemplate

#clone template
qvm-clone $template $systemplate
# update template
qvm-run --auto --user root --pass-io --no-gui $systemplate \
  'dnf update -y'

# install a missing package for fedora-29-minimal
# without it, gui-apps will not start
# not needed in the latest fedora-29-minimal template (after april 2019)
qvm-run --auto --user root --pass-io --no-gui $systemplate \
  'dnf install -y e2fsprogs'

# Install required packages for Sys-VMs
# Hint: you might need to add your own wifi-firmware-drivers here instead
of iwl6000g2a...
qvm-run --auto --user root --pass-io --no-gui $systemplate \
  'dnf -y install qubes-core-agent-qrexec qubes-core-agent-systemd \
  qubes-core-agent-networking polkit qubes-core-agent-network-manager \
  notification-daemon qubes-core-agent-dom0-updates qubes-usb-proxy \
  iwl6000g2a-firmware qubes-input-proxy-sender iproute iputils \
  NetworkManager-openvpn NetworkManager-openvpn-gnome \
  NetworkManager-wwan NetworkManager-wifi network-manager-applet'

# Optional packages you might want to install in the sys-template:
qvm-run --auto --user root --pass-io --no-gui $systemplate \
  'dnf -y install nano less pciutils xclip'

# Set new template as template for sys-vms
qvm-shutdown --all --wait --timeout 120
qvm-prefs --set sys-usb template $systemplate
qvm-prefs --set sys-net template $systemplate
qvm-prefs --set sys-firewall template $systemplate
---- end ----

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