
Is it possible to move core files to an ssd after the operating system has
been installed on an internal hdd?
I'd like to move to the ssd to increase speed, it is now physically install
(wasn't before). Ideally, this would not require reinstalling to the entire

It's definitely possible, just a matter of how much work you're willing to go through. In any case, be prepared to have to reinstall in case anything goes wrong, and make backups of anything important before you start!

Can you tell us more about your current installation? What filesystems you're using, if you're using luks and/or LVM, if you have a dedicated /boot or /home or any other dedicated partitions, size of each disk, UEFI or grub, etc. Or, what options did you select in the installer? If possible, also include the output of fdisk/gdisk and lsblk.

Are you trying to transfer the entire installation to the SSD, or just the root partition? i.e. Is it okay if the bootloader and /boot remain on the HDD, or do you want it completely empty?

I'm assuming the SSD is smaller than the HDD, so a simple dd is probably out of the question. You could try shrinking the root filesystem and partition, and then dd'ing over to the SSD. Don't worry if swap is at the end of the disk, just make sure to remove it from the partition table after copying.

If your setup doesn't allow for you to dd the beginning of the whole disk, you can dd each partition individually, then run grub-install or UEFI equivalent.

Finally, you may have to create one or more new filesystems on the SSD, then copy the files, and update the UUIDs in /etc/default/grub, /etc/fstab, dracut, and so on, then update grub and dracut. If using btrfs, you should be able to `btrfs device add` the SSD, and `btrfs device remove` the HDD, which will migrate without changing the UUID. If using LVM, you should be able to add the SSD to the volume group and remove the HDD, without changing the UUID. Note that mkfs also allows you to specify a UUID, so if possible specify the same one as the original filesystem.

These are just some general ideas off the top of my head. I can give you more specific information once we know more about your setup.

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