February 8, 2020 12:19 PM, "haaber" <haa...@web.de> wrote:

>>> Hi, when I press PrintScreen (under xfce), I get several options, among
>>> which save-in-dom0. It would be nice to be able to send it directly to a
>>> VM. Can this be done? Cheers, Bernhard
>> I haven't tested it, but try something like this:
>> #!/bin/bash
>> qvm-copy-to-vm $(zenity --entry --title='Send to VM' --text='Destination 
>> VM') "${BASH_ARGV[@]}"
>> Save that as an executable script, such as "~/.local/bin/send-to-vm.sh". 
>> Then, open dom0 file
>> manager, right click any png, click open with other application, and under 
>> "use a custom command"
>> enter "send-to-vm.sh %s". Then, when you take a screenshot, instead of 
>> choosing "save", choose
>> "open with..." and see if your script shows up in the list of available 
>> applications. If not, you
>> might have to write a simple .desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications in 
>> order for it to show
>> up as an option.
>> Again, this is just an idea off the top of my head and totally untested.
> Thank you. Of course I can do a second step after PrintScreen: change to
> my dom0 terminal to run qvm-copy-to-vm. That is what I do since ever. My
> question is rather how to integrate a new "send-to-VM" function in the
> screenshot application so that it is only one step: PrintScreen & select
> destination appVM ...

Okay, no offense, but that's pretty much *exactly* what I described. The idea 
is that from the screenshot menu, instead of clicking save, you click "open 
with send-to-vm.sh", and then a zenity GUI window will pop up asking you for 
the destination VM name. If you want a list to select from, change it to 
something like `qvm-ls | cut  zenity --list`. I don't see how it could be any 
more integrated. If you believe I am mistaken, please point out exactly how my 
solution differs from what you're trying to achieve.

You might also be interested in the Qubes Screenshot Tool instead

> I guess the PrintScreen "app" is a simple script,
> hidden somewhere, as well? I'd like to extend it. Bernhard

No, it's a binary. https://git.xfce.org/apps/xfce4-screenshooter

The PrintScreen key is mapped to screenshooter by default, but you can map it 
to something else via System Tools > Keyboard. You can also remap it to 
"screenshooter --open send-to-vm.sh" to skip the save/open/upload dialog and 
instead go right to the destination VM dialog.

See also

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