On 2/26/20 7:38 AM, Bernhard wrote:
'Wyng' is a backup program I've been working on for a while that can
quickly backup "thin LVM" storage, the kind Qubes uses by default:

Link  https://github.com/tasket/wyng-backup  <snip>

I like your other scripts, so I had a look. That seems so damn complex
at first glance! Maybe you want to improve your "readme" by some simple
examples of "mise en oeuvre": assume I have a qubes machine and a
backup-harddrive in my hand. What would be the steps to do?  Can you
stock your backup in a luks-container?  Since you use "streams" can
(can't?) there be a -whatever cipher- in the middle of your stream
I did not get these informations from your text within reasonable time.
Maybe I am stupid, but maybe I am not alone with that :)

The howto link has been changed to:


The link to the general wiki is here:


Chris Laprise, tas...@posteo.net
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