On 3/5/20 1:45 PM, Mark Fernandes wrote:

On Thu, 5 Mar 2020 at 18:21, Chris Laprise <tas...@posteo.net <mailto:tas...@posteo.net>> wrote:

    On 3/5/20 7:31 AM, Mark Fernandes wrote:
     > I want to get a genuine copy of Qubos, from here in the UK
    (United Kingdom).
     > The only way described on the Quebos website at present, appears
    to be
     > to download the ISO.
     > I have the classic security problem described on the website
     > <https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/install-security/>, where not having a
     > trust-worthy machine, means that I have a never-ending chain of
     > issues for each machine that I use in the obtaining of the software.

    Many of us work with a threat model that assumes at least some
    available by retail are not compromised "out of the box", or else if
    compromised then not at the BIOS/UEFI firmware level. For this model,
    verifying the Qubes ISO with gpg is acceptable.

Hello Chris,

I've only heard of gpg as a binary running over an operating system. Is it available as something you can run directly off boot-able media?

Gpg is usually available in live DVD or live USB distros. Its also incorporated into 'Heads', a firmware boot verification system that's compatible with Qubes.

In any case, you still need to ensure that gpg hasn't been compromised. If it has to run off an OS, that OS needs to have not been compromised. If you need to download gpg, the OS which you use for downloading gpg has to be not compromised. The website doesn't appear to address these issues. The security Qubes OS offers may be great. But getting from a position where you don't have Qubes OS at all, to having Qubes OS installed, appears to be a serious security concern.

There is a definite chicken-and-egg aspect to this issue. That's bc what we're dealing with at some level is a failure of Computer Science and industry to advance computer security in an objective and democratic manner. It is mostly a VC culture, even in university settings, and selling bling to the masses now sets the tone for everything else. That's why things that would have been shocking (like shutting Linux out of recent TCG updates & making devices that can't really be switched-off) in the 90s-mid 2000s are now commonplace, and the "victims" like Linux Foundation don't care anymore bc they are comprised of megacorps with staff who go home to their iDevices and surveillance tchotskies.

So computing culture became a worst-case scenario and projects like Qubes are back-eddies in its wake. Your/our problem can't be solved in a fundamental way without PC-type hardware that is open source. I think Qubes has expressed a willingness to help make that happen, since they are open to the idea of porting Qubes to OpenPOWER architecture.

In the meantime, we have to use hedges and stop-gaps. One is to verify ROM (e.g. DVD) media on multiple systems, just as one would try to verify a single gpg key from multiple pathways. Another is to use Qubes, which reduces the number of components you have to trust down to a minimum. Also consider what makes a good hardware distributor. Yet another is to realize the biggest adversaries are not omnipotent and can't control everything simultaneously; i.e. do random spot checks, maintain your sanity.

Finally, we need to be able to question things in philosophical terms because that is the basis of relatable information in modernity. If we only think about the mechanics, then we remain locked onto the same path of transistorized irrationality that has begun to weigh on you. For example, a philosophical approach to your question should recognize early that its a quandary (or "turtles all the way down") if we keep accepting the old parameters (i.e. what industry wants to keep selling us); there are even situations when its illogical to use computers (even though the above mentioned failed culture still insists its necessary to do so).

Chris Laprise, tas...@posteo.net
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