On Wed, Apr 01, 2020 at 12:04:00AM +0200, Ulrich Windl wrote:
> I had been asking this before: How hard will it be to use USB tethering in
> Qubes OS?

As in: use the USB connection to your phone as network interface? The
(standard) way I do it is to assign the USB controller to sys-net. The
rest kind of happened automatically after installing the respective
tools (I use an iDevice). 

Unless you are using a desktop PC with a USB keyboard, this is also the
much safer approach (instead of having USB directly handled in dom0). If
you however use a USB keyboard things could get ugly and more planning
is needed.

> Mar 31 22:55:57 dom0 kernel: usb 2-10.2: Manufacturer: HUAWEI

Yep, wouldn't want this anywhere near dom0. Not that I trust my iDevice
substancially more, but I think you get the idea.


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