On 4/11/20 8:32 AM, hsfcyxr hsfcyxr wrote:
There’s a second computer to access the Clinet.
How do I completely block traffic bypassing sys-whonix? I don’t know much English, so I couldn’t find it myself, I read qubes and whonix documentation. (I marked dom0 updates via tor during installation, prescribed “sudo systemctl restart qubes-whonix-torified-updates-proxy-check”, installed everything in Qube Manager except sys-firewall, sys-whonix, sys-net and Tamplate VM on sys-whonix,
Qubes global settings -> Dom0 UpdateVM -> sys-whonix
Qubes global settings -> ClockV -> sys-whonix
Qubes global settings -> Default netVM -> sys-whonix
Qubes global settings -> Default template -> fedora-30
Qubes global settings -> Default DisposableVM Template -> fedora-30-dvm
Maybe there are some guides to setting qubes to anonymity so that the browser can’t recognize my time zone (so that it is different on different AppVMs). And how to add a different language to the keyboard, again, so that it would be visible only on the AppVMs I need.

img: qubes-os[.]org/attachment/wiki/posts/admin-api.png
*I will formulate a more specific question, as in the diagram above, to block all connections to sys-net except sys-whonix->sys-firewall->sys-net.*

Its best to ask about Whonix specifics on the whonix.org forums. However, I'm pretty sure that sys-whonix is already configured not to allow any non-Tor traffic; That is the point of having a Tor VM in the first place, to enforce network containment as strongly as possible.

Chris Laprise, tas...@posteo.net
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