On 4/24/20 11:18 PM, Mike Keehan wrote:

Device attach failed: Attach timeout, check kernel log for details. VM:
"video-conference" File: "/usr/lib/qubes/usb-import" Version Control:
>> <--snip-->
Rather something qubes-specific seems to mess.          Cheers, Bernhard

There is a known problem with Linux usbip not handling reset properly I
believe.  I don't think it's a Qubes problem.

I use a usb connected camera, and that thread helped me get it working
with some programs.  But I still have to disconnect and reconnect the
camera to make a second video connection.  Sometimes it takes a
number of disconnects, pauses and reconnects before it works.  Along
with the occasional "attach timeout" problems from qubes.  And some
programs just don't work no matter what I try.

Got it working by putting the video-conference VM to HVM. Maybe that
helps in your case as well?  Cheers,

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