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On Thu, Apr 30, 2020 at 11:07:35PM +0000, Zsolt Bicskey wrote:
> So if I want to have the ability to use the clipboard from RHEL or CentOS or 
> Kali or any HVM other than Debin or Fedora then I would have to build the 
> entire OS from scratch with the Qubes Builder? I cannot just add a repo and 
> download a package that would make it work? 

No you wouldn't build the entire OS from scratch. The qubes-builder
builds the Qubes related packages and downloads all the other binaries
of an OS from their repos to build a respective template RPM. That 
means that after the builder ran you now have a template but also a
folder with all the Qubes specific packages. You can then copy those
packages and apply them to your HVM. 

Maybe I can best describe that based on my use case: Ubuntu

- - first I created a StandaloneVM names qubes-builder based on
- - then I followed the instructions from the Qubes website to install the
  dependencies, clone the repository and run the setup scripts
- - next I build the actual Ubuntu bionic template 
- - again following the instructions from the Qubes website I then copied
  the resulting RPM into dom0 and installed the template

This last step you do only one time of course. Now you clone the
template, customize it, install apps...

Here is what I do every day:

- - in qubes-builder I do a git pull and if there are changes I rerun the
  setup script
- - then I run the make commands
- - when the build is done I use qvm-copy to copy the Qubes specific
  bionic packages to my sys-firewall (it runs an instance of webfs)
- - in sys-firewall I have a script that now copies the packages from
  QubesIncoming to the location webfs uses. The script also runs the
  reprepro command to prepare the additional info files required.
- - in my templates I added a file into /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ that
  points to the IP address of my sys-firewall (the webfs instance)
- - so now I can run a normal sudo apt update in my templates and all is

In summary: you use qubes-builder to build the Qubes related packages
and then copy / install them in your respective qube.


- -- 
 public key: https://www.svensemmler.org/0x8F541FB6.asc
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