On Sat, 2020-05-02 at 09:44 +0200, dhorf-hfref.4a288...@hashmail.org
> On Sat, May 02, 2020 at 01:23:53AM +0200, Olaf Klinke wrote:
> > just lacking the knowledge how different writing to a CD is from
> > reading from CD, on the hardware level. Is there more to burning a
> > CD
> > than a single block special device?
> try attaching it as a USB-device instead of a block device.
> meaning "qvm-usb instead of qvm-block".
Thanks a lot, that might be the bit I was missing. Unfortunately qvm-
device does not seem to list any devices that are not attached to a VM,
so I have difficulties identifying the right name to use. When I attach
the drive to <domain>, 
`qvm-device block list --all` yields 
dom0:sr0  SDRW-08U7M () <domain> (read-only=yes, frontend-dev=xvdi)
After detaching, then trying
`qvm-device usb attach --verbose <domain> dom0:sr0` yields
qvm-device: error: backend vm 'dom0' doesn't expose device 'sr0'

I presume dom0 did not recognize the drive as a USB device and hence
refuses to attach as such? `qvm-usb` yields the empty list. 

The usb-devices documentation recommends (or rather, lists as option)
to attach the PCI USB controller holding the external drive to a qube.
Following the procedure indeed results in brasero recognizing the drive
as writer. Thanks! 
The only remaining question is: Did I buy a shitty drive or will any
external CD writer behave this way? 


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