On 5/10/20 8:50 PM, dhorf-hfref.4a288...@hashmail.org wrote:
> going from your earlier numbers, something like ... 
>       lvresize --poolmetadatasize 1G qubes_dom0/pool00
> then resizing the data volume ...
>       lvresize -L +99G qubes_dom0/pool00
> (if it complains on that step, reduce to +98G or so)
> i would leave any "fractional GB" leftovers free as a reserve in
> case i have to dig myself out of a "metadata full" situation. 
> verify with pvs/pvs that the "Free" space is (mostly) gone,
> then check with lvs that pool00 now is bigger and still has
> a (much) lower meta% than data%. 
Thanks a lot, that did it! Any idea, why the installer would leave that
space free in the first place?

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