On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 02:31:52AM -0700, Andrew Sullivan wrote:
> Sorry if I have double-posted this...
> The link to "multiboot" seems to refer to a conventional dual-boot 
> installation, where the two OSs are on the same disc.  If the OSs were 
> installed n physically separate (internal) drives, would this mitigate the 
> risk (accepting that /boot would be exposed)?
> Probably a naive idea, but is it possible to somhow "switch off" or 
> inactivate one disc (short of physically removing it)?
> On Monday, 11 May 2020 10:11:47 UTC+1, dhorf-hfr...@hashmail.org wrote:
> >
> > On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 01:48:58AM -0700, matteochi...@gmail.com 
> > <javascript:> wrote: 
> >
> > > Firstly, is it safe to have Windows and Qubes on the same machine? I 
> > > use VeraCrypt for full disc encryption 
> >
> > veracrypt does not support actual full disc encryption. 
> >
> >
> > > Also, I've got a 2TB external HDD, would it be safer to run Qubes from 
> > > that and keep Windows on my internal drive or is that worse? 
> >
> > if that HDD is connected via USB, i would not recommend installing 
> > qubes to it. 
> > while both "install to usb" and "install to hdd" are supported, they 
> > have major drawbacks. 
> >
> >
> > > I want to keep maximum security and keep Windows and Qubes seperate. 
> >
> > this is not possible. 
> > if you multiboot, you are very far from "maximum security". 
> >
> >
> > > Any answers to questions or installation guidance is greatly 
> >
> > https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/multiboot/ 
> >

Not *double* but *top-posted*. Please don't do this.

It's not a naive idea - it's a good one. Depending on your machine you
may be able to find ways to do this, by installing a kill switch, or by
BIOS configuration.
You may find that your BIOS allows you to disable certain devices pre
boot, and this may enable you to switch between active disks. Have a
look.(Depending on what's available this may determine what sort of disk
you use to install Qubes)
I have an x230 with some extra hardware switches installed to allow for
device isolation. With minimal skills you could do the same yourself.
Take a look at what's already there and have a think about what you
might manage to do. If it's important enough you'll find a way.

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