
So I've been trying for nearly two weeks to get qubes to install on my 
system.  And finally success!  Oh sweet success!

...well sort of.  

I finally was able to get qubes to install, but now when I turn on my 
machine it shows there are no operating systems and it goes straight into 
checking hardware.  If I go into the one-time-boot-menu (f12), it shows my 
only boot option as onboard NIC. In the bios (F2), it also shows no boot 
path for legacy or uefi.  If I use a live usb to get into a GRUB shell and 
try to manually boot qubes via manually setting root, manually loading the 
kernel and initrd, I can't see the qubes filesystem on (hd1,3) it says 
"unknown filesystem".  If I use my original qubes installation usb and 
choose option to fix a qubes install. It tells me that qubes is not 

I think it is because I deleted system partitions that I shouldn't've 
deleted.  The first three thousand or so times I tried installing qubes, I 
got a lot of messages like /dev/root doesn't exist, or that it could not 
mount root fs on unknown blocks, and then lots of kernel panics.  I thought 
it was because I still had windows on my machine.  So I reluctantly decided 
I wanted qubes more than windows and deleted those partitions.   I'm not 
sure if deleting them is why I am now able to install qubes.  I've tried 
booting into a pop_OS live usb that I had, and tried the utility bootrepair 
<https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair>but it could not fix it.  
I'm not real sure on where to go from here.

I did choose to partition things manually while installing qubes, but I let 
qubes set up the root and boot and swap itself. I deleted everything but 
the windows recovery/backup I had made before I deleted windows, and also 
kept my pop_os installation (which also won't boot now even manually from 
grub (I'm a dummy so I'm probably doing it wrong)).  In my pop_os 
installation, I made backup images of all the windows and system partitions 
before deletion, so if I feel like if I could get in there I could restore 
the windows and system partitions. But I am just not tech savvy enough to 
figure it out I'm afraid.  Hoping one of you can help me or point me in the 
right direction. Really hoping I didn't brick my laptop.

My system is a g5 5590, i7-9750H, 32gb Ram, gtx2060, 1tb dell laptop.  
Qubes and Pop are current versions.  The following is what my current 
partitioning looks like:

nvme0n1p       953G (hd1)
    nvme0n1p1 1M        BIOS boot efi  (hd1,1)
    nvme0n1p2 1G        Linux Filesystem (hd1,2)
    nvme0n1p3 324.8G Linux LVM    (hd1,3)
                        15 G     Qubes-dom0-swap

    nvme0n1p5 48.8G   Windows Backup (hd1,5)
    nvme0n1p6 251.5G PopOs Installation  (hd1,6)

Thank you for reading,

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