I'm pleased to announce the release of qubes-mirage-firewall 0.7:


This is a unikernel that can run as a QubesOS ProxyVM, replacing 
sys-firewall. It may be useful if you want something smaller or 
faster-to-start than the Linux-based sys-firewall. It requires around 64MB 
of RAM when running and requires "0.0s" of CPU time to boot, according to 
"xl list". It does not need or use a hard-disk, and does not persist any 
state between reboots.

For installation instructions, see:


To upgrade from an earlier release, just overwrite 
/var/lib/qubes/vm-kernels/mirage-firewall/vmlinuz in dom0 with the new 
version and restart the firewall VM.

This version adapts qubes-mirage-firewall with

   - dynamic rulesets via QubesDB (as defined in Qubes 4.0), and
   - adds support for DNS hostnames in rules, using the pf-qubes library 
   for parsing.

The DNS client is provided by DNS (>= 4.2.0) which uses a cache for name 
lookups. Not every packet will lead to a DNS
lookup if DNS rules are in place.

A test unikernel is available in the test subdirectory.

This project was done by @linse <https://github.com/linse> and @yomimono 
<https://github.com/yomimono> in summer 2019, see PR #96 

Additional changes and bugfixes:

   Support Mirage 3.7 and mirage-nat 2.0.0 (@hannesm 
   <https://github.com/hannesm>, #89 
   The main improvement is fragmentation and reassembly support.
   Use the smaller OCurrent images as the base for building the Docker 
   images (@talex5 <https://github.com/talex5>, #80 
   - Before: 1 GB (ocaml/opam2:debian-10-ocaml-4.08)
      - Now: 309 MB (ocurrent/opam:alpine-3.10-ocaml-4.08)
   Removed unreachable Lwt.catch (@hannesm <https://github.com/hannesm>, #90 

   Add note that AppVM used to build from source may need a private image 
   larger than the default 2048MB (@marmot1791 
   #83 <https://github.com/mirage/qubes-mirage-firewall/pull/83>).
   README: create the symlink-redirected docker dir (@xaki23 
   <https://github.com/xaki23>, #75 
   <https://github.com/mirage/qubes-mirage-firewall/pull/75>). Otherwise, 
   installing the docker package removes t
   he dangling symlink.
   Note that mirage-firewall cannot be used as UpdateVM (@talex5 
   <https://github.com/talex5>, #68 
   Fix ln(1) call in build instructions (@jaseg <https://github.com/jaseg>, 
   #69 <https://github.com/mirage/qubes-mirage-firewall/pull/69>). The 
   arguments were backwards.
Keeping up with upstream changes:

   Support mirage-3.7 via qubes-builder (@xaki23 <https://github.com/xaki23>
   , #91 <https://github.com/mirage/qubes-mirage-firewall/pull/91>).
   Remove unused Clock argument to Uplink (@talex5 
   <https://github.com/talex5>, #90 
   Rename things for newer mirage-xen versions (@xaki23 
   <https://github.com/xaki23>, #80 
   Adjust to ipaddr-4.0.0 renaming _bytes to _octets (@xaki23 
   <https://github.com/xaki23>, #75 
   Use OCaml 4.08.0 for qubes-builder builds (was 4.07.1) (@xaki23 
   <https://github.com/xaki23>, #75 
   Remove netchannel pin as 1.11.0 is now released (@talex5 
   <https://github.com/talex5>, #72 
   Remove cmdliner pin as 1.0.4 is now released (@talex5 
   <https://github.com/talex5>, #71 

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