On Sat, May 30, 2020 at 12:11:31PM +0200, dhorf-hfref.4a288...@hashmail.org 
> On Sat, May 30, 2020 at 09:46:57AM +0200, Zbigniew ??ukasiak wrote:
> > > > > disable sys-usb autostart.
> > > > maybe "lock out" refers to a USB keyboard ?
> > > yes, that is how i read it, and that is what my suggestions for
> > > dealing with the update are about.
> > 
> > Yes - I have an USB keyboard. So just to be sure - when I checkout
> > "start qube automatically on boot" in the sys-usb Qube Settings and
> > reboot - then the system will use my USB keyboard directly without any
> > problems?
> if you are entering your disk encryption passphrase during boot
> using an USB keyboard that means your usb keyboard is directly
> connected to dom0 during boot.
> and it will stay there until you (try to) start sys-usb.
> so my general recommendation for people who rely on usb keyboards
> in their qubes setup is to disable sys-usb autostart. 
> (not just for replacing templates, but in general)

There's a simpler route, which I often use for template changes like
this, without need for reboot. Almost foolproof.

Make sure the new template has the necessary packages installed, and
then use a basic script to shutdown sys-usb, change template and
restart sys-usb. Use sleep to ensure sys-usb is down before you try to
change the template.
Put in a `sleep 120` statement, and then revert the change : that will
give you long enough to check that your keyboard/mouse are working
properly with the new configuration.
If all goes well, delete the sleep and reversion lines, and then run the
script again. If not, correct whatever is wrong and test again.

Something like:


qvm-shutdown sys-usb
sleep 10
qvm-prefs sys-usb template <NEW_TEMPLATE>
qvm-start sys-usb

## Delete this section after testing
sleep 120
qvm-shutdown sys-usb
sleep 10
qvm-prefs sys-usb template <OLD_TEMPLATE>
sleep 5
qvm-start sys-usb
## Delete this section after testing


You could use salt too, of course, but KISS


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